Warm Up Run or Row 250m Ankle and Hip Mobility Then 2 Rounds of: Goblet Squat x 8 @ 30X1 T Push Up x 8 Alt Box Step Up x 8 (24/20″) Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets A1: Back Squat x 6-8 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds A2: Powell Raise x 8-10 […]
Warm Up Run or Row 250m Ankle and Hip Mobility Then 2 Rounds of: Goblet Squat x 8 @ 30X1 T Push Up x 8 Alt Box Step Up x 8 (24/20″) Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets A1: Back Squat x 6-8 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds A2: Powell Raise x 8-10 […]
Workout of the Day In teams of 2, with only 1 person working at a time (except for the DB Hang C&J) complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: 500m Medball Relay (250m each) Wallball x 40 (20/14lbs to 10/9′ target) Synchro SA DB Hang C & J x 30
Warm Up Row 2 minutes (No Straps) Then 2 Rounds of: Walking Lunge x 50ft SA Ring Row x 5 per @ 2011 Scap Push Up x 10 Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets A1: RFESS x 8 per @ 2010 – Rest 60 seconds A2: SA Bent Row x 8 per @ 2011
Warm Up In teams of 3, complete 2 Rounds each of: Partner A – Row or Bike 12/10 Cals Partner B – Alt Box Step Up x 10-15 Partner C – Prisoner Good Morning x 5 + Hi/Lo Plank Workout of the Day Performance A. 4 Sets Segmented Clean Deadlift x 3-4 – pause for
Warm Up Run or Row 250m Then 2 Rounds of: 3pt PVC Hing x 10 SA Ring Row x 5 per @ 2011 TGU x 1 per Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets A1: CGBP x 6 @ 21X1 – Rest 60 seconds A2: Side Bridge x 30 seconds per – Rest 60 seconds
Warm Up Row or Assault Bike 2 minutes Then 2 Rounds of: Scap Pull Up x 5 TGU x 1 per (SLOW) Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets A1: Strict Pronated Pull Up x 5-7 @ 2011 – Rest 60 seconds A2: Hollow Rocks/Hold x 20-30 seconds – Rest 60 seconds -If this rep
Warm Up Run or Row 250m Dynamic Drills Then 2 Rounds of: Goblet Squat x 8 @ 30X1 Bar Tap x 10 Workout of the Day Performance and GPP A. 4 Sets A1: Back Squat x 8 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds A2: DB External Rotation x 8-10 per @ 2020 – Rest 60
Workout of the Day In teams of 5, with only one teammate allowed per station, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: Station 1 – Run 250m Station 2 – 1 Round of “Nate” Station 3 – 1 Round of “Cindy” Station 4 – 20/15 Cals Assault Bike or Row
Warm Up Row 250m (No Straps) Then 2 Rounds of: Walking Lunge x 50ft SA OH Carry x 50ft Hang 30 seconds Workout of the Day Performance and GPP A. 4 Sets A1: Double KB Front Squat x 6-8 reps @ 7711 – Rest 60 seconds A2: SA Seated Press x 6-8 per @ 21X1
Warm Up Row or Assault Bike 3 minutes Then 2 Rounds of: Prisoner Good Morning x 5 SA Farmer Carry x 100ft per Workout of the Day Performance A. 5 Sets Segmented Clean Deadlift x 3-4 – pause for 2-3 seconds in the following positions: 2″ off the floor, knee, mid thigh. Rest 2 minutes