Warm Up
Jumprope 3 minutes
Then 2 Rounds of:
- Walking Lunge x 1 length
- Wall Walk x 2
Workout of the Day
A. 3-4 Sets
- Rope Climb x 1-2 (legless if possible)
- Double Under x 40-50
- Nose to Wall HS Hold x 30-45 seconds
- TGU x 1 per – SLOW – each rep should take 15 seconds
B. Against a 15 minute clock:
- In teams of 2, Row as many Cals as possible in 8 minutes.
Rest 3 minutes and when the clock reaches the 11:00 mark:
- In teams of 2, complete as many Thrusters (95/65) as possible in 4 minutes.
-Divide the work any way you want. Record your team’s score for both the row and the thrusters.