For a video breakdown of today’s WOD, click here
Workout of the Day
In teams of 2, with only 1 person working at a time, complete the following for time:
- Relay Run 1 mile or Row/Bike 100 Cals
Then partners alternate movements to complete a total of 12 Rounds of:
- Pull Up x 8
- Push Up x 12
- Air Squat x 16
immediately followed by:
- Relay Run 1 mile or Row/Bike 100 Cals
- 2 minutes – Single Arm Hang (1 minute per)
- 2 minutes – Tuck Sit
- 2 minutes – Single Leg Hops (1 minute per)
- 2 minutes – Nose to Wall Handstand Hold
B. 2 Sets:
- Run 1 mile @ 10-15 seconds faster than your 5k pace
Rest/Walk 3 minutes between
C. 3 Sets:
- Run 800m @ 5-10 seconds faster than your 1 mile pace
Rest/Walk 2 minutes between