Workout of the Day A. 8 Sets: High Hang Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 3 – Rest as needed B. 5 Sets: Run 250m UNBROKEN Wallball x 15 Rest 1:1
Workout of the Day A. 8 Sets: High Hang Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 3 – Rest as needed B. 5 Sets: Run 250m UNBROKEN Wallball x 15 Rest 1:1
Workout of the Day A. 5 Sets: Strict Chest to Bar Pull Up x 3 @ 20X1 – Rest as needed. B. Accumulate 30 Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1 in as few Sets as possible. Must be performed in Sets of 2 or more Reps per Set. NO SINGLES. -Perform 30 Hollow Rocks every time
Workout of the Day A. EMOM for 12 (4 Sets) 1 – Wall Walk x 2-3 2 – Row 20 Strokes (No Straps) 3 – Double Under x Max Reps in 30 seconds B. Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 Sets) Double Under x 30 Row 250m RKBS x 20 (UNBROKEN)
Workout of the Day In teams of 3 partners will work together to complete a total of 5 rounds each of: Row 500m, Ski 500m, Run 400m, or Bike 1000m Bar Facing Burpee x 5 + Hang Power Snatch x 5 + OHS x 10 (95/65lbs) Farmers Carry x 60m (53/44) All athletes may be
Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets: A1: RFESS x 8 (Right) @ 30X1 – Rest 45 seconds A2: RFESS x 8 (Left) @ 30X1 – Rest 45 seconds A3: 5 Single-Arm DB Push Presses + 50-Meter Waiter’s Walk (Left Arm) (go as heavy as possible; after the fifth push press, go directly into the
Workout of the Day A. Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 Sets) Split Jerk x 1 – Hold the receiving positon in the Split for 2-3 seconds before recovering Front Foot first. B. 4 Sets: B1: Deadlift x 4-6 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds B2: DB External Rotation x 8-10 per @ 2020
Workout of the Day A. Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 Sets): Tall Clean x 4 1st – 2″ drop in receiving position 2nd – 4″ drop in receiving 3rd – 6″ drop in receiving 4th – Bottom 5th – Bottom B. 4 Sets: Front Squat x 1 @ 31X1 + Front Squat x
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: A1: Supinated Chin over Bar Hold x 15-20 seconds (CTB if possible) – Rest 60 seconds A2: Perfect Push Up x 5-7 @ 51A1 – Rest 60 seconds A3: SA KB Front Rack Carry 100ft per – Rest 60 seconds B. 3 Sets (21 minutes) Complete as many
Workout of the Day In teams of 2, partners alternate 2 minute rounds to complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes (5 Rounds each) of: Against a 2 minute clock: Run 250m or Bike 15/10 Cals Wallball x 15 (UNBROKEN to 10/9′ target) Muscle Up OR Burpee Pull Up x max reps in
Workout of the Day n teams of 2, with only 1 person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 24 minutes of: Erg 50 Cals Pull Up x 40 Shoulder to Overhead x 30 (115/75lbs) Clean x 20 (115/75lbs) (Full) Double Under x 100