Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Back Squat x 3-5 @ 32X1 – Rest 60 seconds Scap Push Up x 10 – Rest 60 seconds B. 3 Sets: Back Rack Split Squat x 6-8 per @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds Side Bridge with Rotation x 8 per – Rest 60 seconds C. 4 […]
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Back Squat x 3-5 @ 32X1 – Rest 60 seconds Scap Push Up x 10 – Rest 60 seconds B. 3 Sets: Back Rack Split Squat x 6-8 per @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds Side Bridge with Rotation x 8 per – Rest 60 seconds C. 4 […]
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Bent Plate Row Hold 30 seconds Tuck Sit x 15-20 seconds (Rings or Static) B. 3 Sets: Mixed Grip Pull Up x 6-8 @ 31X1 *1st – Wide Grip Pronated *2nd – Regular Grip Pronated *3rd – Supinated C. For Time: Burpee Pull Up x 50 AbMat Sit
Workout of the Day A. Erg 3 minutes (Nasal Only) B. 3 Sets: Quadruped Shoulder CARS x 2-3 per side (Forward and Backward) Back Scale x 20-30 seconds per C. 4 Sets: Staggered Stance Dual KB DL x 6-8 per @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds Alt. SA DB Bench (Bottom to Bottom) x 12-16
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Alt Shin Box x 10 Spiderman Lunge x 30 seconds per B. 3 Sets: TGU x 2 per Supinated Hang 20 seconds C. 6 Sets: Row, Bike, Ski 2 minutes for Max Cals Rest 1 minute between Sets. Alternate Ergs each set.
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Sumo Good Morning x 8-10 Prone Lying Dislocate x 8-10 FLR w/ KB Drag Through x 30-45 seconds B. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 Sets) Halting Snatch DL + Power Snatch + OHS C. 3 Sets: Row 30/25 Cals Burpee Over the Erg x 10 Hang
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: KB Jefferson Curl x 8-10 (light load) Couch Stretch x 90 seconds per TTB x 10-15 OR Strict Hanging Knee Raise B. 3 Sets: SA FLR 20 seconds per Bent Over Reverse Fly x 12 Ring Row Hold 30 seconds C. EMOM 16 (4 Sets) Min 1 –
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Alt. Cossack Squat x 8-10 Turkish Sit Up x 3-5 per B. Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 Sets): Assault Bike 2:30 for Cals *Set 1 – SA DB OH Walking Lunge x 50ft per *Set 2 – Wallball x 45 (20/14lb to 10/9′ Target) *Set 3
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Yoga Push Up x 8 Prone Snow Angel x 8 Scap Pull Up x 8 Side Bridge w/Rotation x 8 per B. 3 Sets: B1: DB Bench Press x 8-10 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds B2: Alt Gorilla Row x 12-16 – Rest 60 seconds C. 3