Warm Up
Row 400m
Ankle, Hip, and Front Rack Mobility
Then 2 Rounds
- 10 OHS @ 20X1
- 5 Ring Rows @ 21X1
- Front Squat x 2 @ 20X1
-Build to a heavy double in 12 minutes (NOT a 2RM)
- Weighted Pull Up x 2RM
-Build to a 2RM in 10 minutes OR 3 Sets of 2-3 reps @ 40A1
30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest for a total of 4 rounds of each movement
- Goblet Squats (53/35)
- Rest 60 seconds
- Box Jump Overs (24/20)
- Rest 60 seconds
- Burpees
Finish all 4 rounds of each movement before rotating and rest 60 seconds between. Score is total reps.