Workout of the Day In teams of 2 or 3, with only 1 person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: Run 800m or Row 1000m Front Squat x 30 (115/75lbs) Shoulder to Overhead x 30 Strict Pull Up x 30
Workout of the Day In teams of 2 or 3, with only 1 person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: Run 800m or Row 1000m Front Squat x 30 (115/75lbs) Shoulder to Overhead x 30 Strict Pull Up x 30
Warm Up Row 2 minutes (No Straps) Then, 2 Rounds: SA OH or Front Rack Walking Lunge x 20 steps Hollow to Arch Roll x 30 seconds Scap Pull Up x 10 Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets A1. Wtd Step Up x 6 per – Rest 60 seconds A2. SA OH Carry x
Warm Up Run 250m Then, 2 Rounds: Dislocate x 5 Snatch Grip RDL x 5 Power Snatch x 5 Box Jump w/ Step Down x 5 (24/20″) Workout of the Day A. 5 Sets A1. Power Snatch x 1.1.1 – Rest 5-10 seconds between singles A2. Tall Box Jump x 1.1.1 – Rest 2-3 seconds
Warm Up Row 2 minutes (No Straps) Ankle, Hip, Front Rack Mobility Then, 2 Rounds: Front Squat x 5 @ 20X1 (Bar only) Jump Rope x 30 seconds Wall Walk x 2 Workout of the Day A. 6 Sets – Front Squat @ 20X1 Set 1 – 3 reps @ 80% Set 2 – 2
Warm Up Row 15/12 Cals Then, 2 Rounds: Box Step Over x 10 Deadhang from Bar x :20 + Scap Pull Up x 10 Burpee Broad Jump x 1.1.1 Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: A1. Weighted Pull Up x 2-3 @ 2011 OR 2-3 Negatives @ 51A1 – Rest 90 seconds A2. Hollow
Warm Up Run, Row, Bike, or Ski 2 minutes Then, 2 Rounds: T Push Up x 10 Bar Tap x 10 Strict Press x 5 @ 20X1 (Barbell Only) Workout of the Day A. 6 Sets Press @ 20X1 Set 1 – 3 reps @ 75% Set 2 – 2 reps @ 80% Set 3
Workout of the Day In teams of 5, with only one teammate allowed per station, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: Station 1 – Run 250m Station 2 – 1 Round of Today’s Barbell Complex (115/75lbs) Station 3 – 1 Round of Strict ‘Cindy’ or ‘Mary’ Station 4 –
Warm Up Jumprope 3 minutes Then, 2 Rounds: Dislocate x 5 + OHS x 5 Good Morning x 5 + Snatch Grip Push Jerk x 5 2 Position Power Snatch (below knee/floor) x 5 Workout of the Day A. Every 2 minutes, for 12 (6 Sets) 2 Position Power Snatch (below knee and floor) +
Warm Up Run or Row 250m Then, 2 Rounds: Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunge x 20 steps SA Ring Row x 5/per FLR x 30 seconds Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets A1. SL KB RDL x 6-8 per @ 3011 – Rest 45 seconds A2. SA Bent Row x 6-8 per @ 2011 –
Warm Up Row 250/200m Then, 2 Rounds: Scap Pull Up x 10 SL Lateral Box Step Up x 5/per Wall Walk x 2-3 Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets A1. Press x 2-3 @ 20X1 – Rest 90 seconds A2. Alternating Pistols x 6-8 @ 3011 – Rest 90 seconds B. 2 Sets Against