Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets – Ok to use Racks Press x 3 @ 20X1 – Rest 90 seconds B. 4 Sets Push Press x 3 – Rest 90 seconds C. 4 Sets Push Jerk x 3 – Rest 90 seconds D. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes […]
Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets – Ok to use Racks Press x 3 @ 20X1 – Rest 90 seconds B. 4 Sets Push Press x 3 – Rest 90 seconds C. 4 Sets Push Jerk x 3 – Rest 90 seconds D. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes […]
Workout of the Day A. Accumulate the following: 2 minutes – L Hang or Tuck Hang 2 minutes – Nose to Wall Handstand 200 Double Unders (2 minutes of practice) B. 10 minutes @ 85% of: Row 15 Strokes Double KB C&J x 9 Lateral Hop over Erg x 6 Rest/Walk 5 minutes, then: 10
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets – From the Floor A1: Backrack Split Squat x 6-8 per @ 2110 – Rest 60 seconds (Back Foot Elevated on 4-6″ Plate) A2: Powell Raise x 8-10 per @ 2010 – Rest 60 seconds B. 3 Sets: B1: Pendlay Row x 8-10 @ 30X1 – Rest 60
Workout of the Day In teams of 2, with only 1 person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: Bar Facing Burpee x 4 Ground to Overhead x 4 (115/75lbs) Bar Facing Burpee x 6 Ground to Overhead x 6 Continue in this fashion, adding 2
Workout of the Day A. Double Under x Max Reps in 2 minutes B. 3 Sets: B1: Alt. Cossack Squat x 8-10 – Rest 60 seconds B2: Y,T,W x 5 per – Rest 60 seconds C. 3 Sets: C1: Staggered Stance RDL x 6-8 per @ 3011 – Rest 60 seconds C2: Supinated Ring or
Workout of the Day A. 7 Sets: 1 Clean Lift Off + 1 Halting Clean DL + 1 Hang Power Clean from Below the Knee B. 3 Sets – From the Floor Press x 3 – Rest 90 seconds C. 3 Sets – From the Floor Push Press x 5 – Rest 90 seconds D.
Workout of the Day A. 3-4 Sets: A1: Weighted Pull Up (Pronated) x 3-4 @ 2010 OR Negative x 2-3 @ 50A1- Rest 60 seconds A2: Strict Pull Up (Pronated) x 6-8 @ 2011 – Rest 60 seconds A3: Alt. SL V Up x 30-45 seconds – Rest 60 seconds B. EMOM for 20 1
Workout of the Day 10 minutes @ 85% of: Double Under x 25 Row 15 Strokes Burpee x 5 Rest 5 minutes, then: 10 minutes @ 85% of: Run or Ski 150m OR Bike 300m DB Hang Snatch x 10 (5 per) Burpee x 5 Rest 5 minutes, then: 10 minutes @ 85% of: Air
Workout of the Day A. Bike or Row 6 minutes for Cals @ 80% B. 4 Sets (From the floor. No Racks) B1: Front Squat x 4 (1 @ 31X1 + 3 @ 20X1) – Rest 90 seconds B2: Renegade Row x 6-8 per @ 2011 – Rest 90 seconds C. 2 Sets for times
Workout of the Day Against a 30 minute running clock: 0-15:00 Double Under x 100 3 Rounds of DT Double Under x 100 2 Rounds of DT Double Under x 100 1 Round of DT 15-30:00 Erg 100/80 Cals As many rounds and reps of Cindy or Mary in the time remaining. *1 Round of