Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets: Press x 3 @ 20X1 – Rest 90 seconds B. 4 Sets: Push Press x 3 – Rest 90 seconds C. 4 Sets: Push Jerk x 3 – Rest 90 seconds D. 2 Sets, Each For Time: SA KB Push Press x 20 – Left Run 200m SA […]
Workout of the Day A. 4 Sets: Press x 3 @ 20X1 – Rest 90 seconds B. 4 Sets: Push Press x 3 – Rest 90 seconds C. 4 Sets: Push Jerk x 3 – Rest 90 seconds D. 2 Sets, Each For Time: SA KB Push Press x 20 – Left Run 200m SA […]
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Bike or Row 1 minute Quadruped Hip CARs x 2 per Alt Scorpion x 8 B. 2 Sets: Sumo Stance Air Squat x 3 @ 3131 Regular Stance x 3 @ 3131 Narrow Stance (Toes Forward) x 3 @ 3131 C. 6 Sets: Back Squat @ 30X1 Set
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Jumprope 45 seconds Side Bridge 30 seconds per Hang from Bar 20 seconds B. 4 Sets: Incline Batwing Row x 6-8 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds Hollow Hold/Rocks 30 seconds – Rest 60 seconds C. 3 Sets: SA Ring Row w/ Rotation x 6-8 per -Rest 60
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Row 20 Strokes (No Straps) 90/90 Prisoner Good Morning x 5 per Yoga Push Up x 5 B. 4 Sets: A1: RDL x 6-8 @ 3011 – Rest 60 seconds A2: SA OH Carry x 50ft per – Rest 60 seconds C. Complete as many reps as possible
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Dumbbell Walking Lunge x 20 steps @ 10X0 -Rest 60 seconds B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: Double Under x 20 Air Squat x 10 -Rest 60 seconds, and then… Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Dislocate x 10 Snatch Grip RDL x 10 Snatch Grip Push Press x 10 OH Squat x 10 B. High Hang Power Snatch + Mid Thigh Hang Power Snatch -Take 10-15 minutes to build in this complex. C. 3 Sets (24 minutes) for Max Reps/Cals Against a 3
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Bike or Row 1 minute Quadruped Hip CARs x 2 per Alt Scorpion x 8 B. 2 Sets: Sumo Stance Air Squat x 3 @ 3131 Regular Stance x 3 @ 3131 Narrow Stance (Toes Forward) x 3 @ 3131 C. 6 Sets: Back Squat @ 30X1 Set
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Supinated Chin Over Bar Hold x 15-20 seconds High Plank w/ KB Drag Through 30-45 seconds Wall Facing OHS x 10 w/ PVC @ 3111 B. 3 Sets: Weighted Pronated Pull x 4-6 @ 20X1 OR 3-4 Negatives @ 50A1 – Rest 60 seconds Hollow Rocks/Hold 30-45 seconds
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: Row 20 Strokes (No Straps) Cat Cow x 10 Yoga Push Up x 5 B. 5 Sets: Sumo Deadlift x 3 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds SA Bottoms Up KB 90/90 Carry 50ft per – Rest 60 seconds C. 3 Sets: SL KB RDL x 6-8 per