Warm Up
Row or Bike 2 minutes
- Hang from Bar x :20-:30
- Alternating Curtsy Lunge x 10
- FLR x :20-:30
Workout of the Day
A. 3 Sets:
- A1. Rope Climb x 1-2 (legless if possible)
- A2. Alternating Lateral Ski Jump x 10-12
- A3. L Sit x 20-30 seconds – (accumulate time if needed)
B. In teams of 3, complete the following for time:
- Row 5,000/4,000m or Assault Bike 12,000/10,000m
*Teams may split the work any way they want. Each team is responsible for keeping a loaded barbell (135/95) off the ground. If the barbell touches the ground, then all 3 teammates must immediately perform 5 Burpees