Workout of the Day
A. 3 Sets:
- Dislocate x 10
- 3pt PVC Hinge x 10
- Archer Push Up x 8-10
B. 3 Sets:
- CGBP x 6-8 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds
- X Band Walk x 10-15 Steps per – Rest 60 seconds
C. 3 Sets:
- Staggered Stance Russian KBS x 10 per – Rest 60 seconds
- Pseudo Planche Push Up x 6-8 @ 3011 – Rest 60 seconds
D. 3 Sets for times:
- Run 400m
- KBS x 21 (53/35lbs)
- Burpee Pull Up x 9
Rest/Walk 90 seconds