Warm Up
Row 15/12 Cals
Then, 2 Rounds:
- Dislocate x 5 + Good Morning x 5
- SA Ring Row x 5/per
- Alternating Box Step Up x 10
Workout of the Day
A. 3 Sets
- A1. Ring Pull Up x 3-5 @2111 – Rest 60 seconds
- A2. Alternating Pistol x 8-10 – Rest 60 seconds
B. EMOM for 25 minutes (5 Sets)
- Minute 1: Row 12-15/10-12 Cals
- Minute 2: Power Clean x 3 TnG @ 70% of 1RM + Bar Facing Burpee x 5
- Minute 3: CTB Pull Up x 10-15
- Minute 4: Run 150m
- Minute 5: Rest