Warm Up
Row 20/15 Cals
Then, 2 Rounds:
- Deadhang to Active Arch x 3-5 or Scap Pull up x 10
- Bear Hug Medball Squat x 10 (20/14#)
- T-Push Up x 10
Workout of the Day
A. For Quality
- Strict Pull Up (Pronated) x 35 @ 2011
B. In teams of 2, partners alternate movements to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
- Erg 21/15 Cals
- Wallball x 15 (UNBROKEN)
- TTB x 9
Rest 5 minutes
In teams of 2, partners alternate movements to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
- Push Up x 12
- Plate GTO x 9 (45/35lbs)
- Burpee Box Jump Over x 6 (24/20″)