Warm Up
Row 250/200m
Then 2 Rounds of:
- Squat to Stand x 3
- Prisoner Good Morning x 5
- Box Jump/Step Down x 7
Workout of the Day
A. 5 Sets
- A1: Hang Power Clean (Below the Knee) x 1.1.1 – Rest 5-10 seconds between singles
- A2: “Tall” Box Jump x 1.1.1 – Reset and Rest 2 to 3 seconds between jumps. Rest 2 minutes between sets.- Rest 2 minutes
B. 4 Sets
- B1: Push Press x 3-4 – Rest 30 seconds
- B2: Hollow Rocks/Hold x 30 seconds – Rest 60 seconds
C. In teams of 2, with only 1 person working at a time against a 10 minute clock, complete the following:
- Farmers Carry x 400m (HEAVY)
- Row for max meters in time remaining.
-only 1 person is carrying at a time. partners may switch as needed. however, every time the KB’s touch the ground is a 5 Burpee penalty for each teammate to be performed when you return from the carry before starting the row. Each team can have only 1 rower and may switch as needed.
-post your weight on the KB’s and meters rowed to the whiteboard.