Warm Up
Jump Rope 2 minutes
Then, 1 Round: (PVC only)
- RDL x 10
- Dislocate x 10
- OHS x 10
- Tall Clean x 10
- Push Jerk x 10
- Box Jump/Step Down x 10
Workout of the Day
A. 5 Sets:
- A1. Clean x 1.1.1 – Rest 5-10 seconds between singles
- A2. Tall Box Jump x 1.1.1 – Rest 2-3 seconds between jumps – Rest 2 minutes
B. Push Jerk – 10 minutes to build to a “heavy” double
C. For Time:
- 5 reps Barbell Complex
- Double Under x 50
- 4 reps Barbell Complex
- Double Under x 50
- 3 reps Barbell Complex
- Double Under x 50
- 2 reps Barbell Complex
- Double Under x 50
- 1 rep Barbell Complex
- Double Under x 50
*Today’s Barbell Complex is 3 Hang Power Clean, 2 Front Squats, 1 STO @ 135/95lbs