Workout of the Day
A. 3 Sets:
- Erg 1 minute
- Scap Pull Up x 5
- Hi/Lo Plank 30 seconds
B. 4 Sets:
- CGBP x 3-4 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds
- SL Glute Bridge w/ Hip Abduction x 20-30 seconds per – Rest 60 seconds
C. 3 Sets:
- Deficit Blocked Push Up x 6-8 @ 4011 – Rest 60 seconds
- Swan Pull x 3-4 – Rest 60 seconds
D. Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 Sets)
Agains a 3:30 clock:
- KBS x 21
- Run 400m
- Push Up x Max Reps in time remaining
Rest/Walk 90 seconds