Workout of the Day
Today’s WOD
Friday 3.28
A. 3 SetsWide Grip Bench Press x 6-8 reps @ 31×1; rest 75-90 secondsPendlay Row x 6-8 reps @ 31×1; rest 75-90 seconds B. 3
Thursday 3.27
A. 3 SetsRow 15/12 Calories (No Straps)Dislocate x 10Supinated Hang 20-30 SecondsAnkle Dorsiflexion Test 30 seconds/per B. 3 SetsOverhead Squat TherapyWall Facing OHS w/PVC x
Wednesday 3.26
A. 3 SetsSegmented Clean Deadlift x 6-8 reps; rest 75-90 seconds*Pause for 2-3 seconds 2” off the floor, at the knee, and mid thigh*Half Kneeling
Tuesday 3.25
A. 3 SetsDouble Under x 30-40KB Front Rack + Overhead Carry 50ft/per Side Plank with Powell Raise x 8 per @ 2020 B. 3 SetsRun
Monday 3.24
A. 3 SetsBox Squat x 3-4 reps @ 31×1; rest 75-90 secondsChin Up (supinated) x 8-10 reps @ 21×1; rest 75-90 seconds B. 3 SetsRFESS
A. Erg 2 minutes Then 3 rounds of B. 3 sets Wide Grip Bench Press x 6-8 @ 31×1 rest 75-90 SA Tripod Row x