Warm Up
Row or Bike 2 minutes
Ankle, Hip, and Front Rack Mobility
Then, 2 Rounds of:
- Front/Back Squat x 5 + Alternating Elbow Rotation x 10 (switch from front to back squat in second set)
- Dumbbell Hang Snatch x 5 + OH Carry x 50’ both sides
Workout of the Day
A. 4 Sets:
- Front Squat x 4 @ 20X1 @ 60-65% of FS 1RM
Rest 15-20 seconds, then:
- Back Squat x 8 @ 20X1
Rest 2 minutes between sets
B. In teams of 2, partners alternate full rounds to complete 3 each of:
- Double Under x 40
- Wallball x 30 (20/14lbs to 10/9′ target)
- Alt DB Snatch x 20 (50/35lbs)