Warm Up
Jumprope 3 minutes
Group Snatch Warm Up – 2 Rounds of:
- Dislocate x 5
- Snatch Grip RDL x 5
- Hang Power Snatch x 5
- OHS x 5
- Snatch Balance x 5
Workout of the Day
A. 5 Sets
- A1: Mid Thigh Hang Snatch x 1.1.1 – Reset between each rep
- A2: “Tall” Box Jump x 1.1.1 – Rest 2 seconds between jumps – Rest 90 seconds between sets
B. In teams of 2, partners alternate to complete 5 ascending ladders of 1 to 4 reps of the following complex:
- 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Shoulder to Overhead
- 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Shoulder to Overhead
- 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Shoulder to Overhead
- 4 Power Cleans + 4 Front Squats + 4 Shoulder to Overhead
–After completing the set of 4 reps, then you start back over at 1 and continue in this fashion for 5 rounds.