Warm Up
2 Rounds of:
- Burpee x 10
- Good Morning x 10
- Hang from Bar x :20 + Bar Tap x 10
Workout of the Day
A. 4 Sets:
- A1: CGBP x 4-6 @ 20X1 – Rest 60 seconds
- A2: Double KB Staggered Stance RDL x 6 per @ 3011 – Rest 60 seconds
B. 3 Sets:
- B1: Dips x max reps @ 2010 – Rest 60 seconds
- B2: Hollow Hold/Rocks x 20-30 seconds – Rest 60 seconds
C. For Time:
- Wallball x 100
- Strict Chin Up x 50 (Supinated – CTB if possible)
-partition the work as desired
-15 minute cap
A. 4 Sets:
- A1: Seated SA Landmine Press x 8 per – Rest 45 seconds
- A2: RNT Single Leg RDL x 8 per @22X2 – Rest 45 seconds
B. 3 Sets:
- B1: 8 Push Ups @40A4 – Rest 60 seconds
- B2: :10-:20 hollow hold + :10-:20 flutter kicks – Rest 60 seconds