Workout of the Day
A. 4 Sets:
- A1: Alternating Reverse Lunge x 12 -16 – Rest 45 seconds
- A2: Hi/Lo Plank 45 seconds – Rest 45 seconds
- A3: Double Arm Bent Row x 8-10 per @ 3011 – Rest 45 seconds
- A4: Side Bridge x 30 seconds per – Rest 45 seconds
B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
- Perfect Push Up OR HSPU x 3 (Strict if possible for as long as possible)
- Run 150m
- Perfect Push Up OR HSPU x 6
- Run 150m
- Perfect Push Up OR HSPU x 9
- Run 150m
-Add 3 reps to the Push Ups each Round…..