Warm Up
Row 250m
Then, 2 Rounds:
- Push Up Negative x 5 @ 30X1
- Prisoner Good Morning x 7
- Scap Pull Up x 9
Workout of the Day
A. 4 Sets:
- A1: CGBP x 4-6 @ 20X1 – Rest 60 seconds
- A2: Side Bridge x 30 seconds per – Rest 60 seconds
B. 3 Sets
- B1: Active Arch Supinated Bar Row x 6-8 @ 2111 – Rest 60 seconds
- B2: Russian KBS x 15-20 – Rest 60 seconds
C. 3 Sets
Against a 3 minute clock:
- Row 500m
- Push Ups x max reps in time remaining
Rest 3 minutes between
D. Reverse Plank – Accumulate 2 minutes