Workout of the Day
A. 3 Sets
- A1: Tripod Row x 6-8 per @ 2011 – Rest 60 seconds
- A2: Hollow Rocks/Hold 20-30 seconds – Rest 60 seconds
B. 3 Sets
- B1: Supinated Ring Row x 6-8 @ 30X1 – Rest 60 seconds
- B2: Back Scale 20-30 seconds per -Rest 60 seconds
C. For time:
- Burpee Pull Up x 10
- Lateral Box Jump Over x 20 (24/20″)
- AbMat Sit Up x 30
- Run 400m
- AbMat Sit Up x 30
- Box Facing Jump Over x 20 (24/20″)
- Burpee Pull Up x 10