Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets for Quality B. Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of: C. SLIPS Practice in time remaining
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets for Quality B. Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of: C. SLIPS Practice in time remaining
Workout of the Day A. Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 Sets) B. 3 Sets – From the Floor C. 3 Sets: Against a 3 Minute clock: Rest/Walk 2 Minutes between
Workout of the Day In teams of 2 or 3, with only 1 person working at a time, complete 3 Rounds for time of: Squat: *1st Round – Back Squat @ 135/95lbs + Strict Pull Up, *2nd Round – Front Squat @ 115/75lbs + CTB Pull Up, *3rd Round – OHS @ 95/65lbs + Muscle
Workout of the Day A. 7 Sets: Rest as needed B. 5 Sets: Rest as needed C. For Time: Every minute on the minute, perform 10 Lateral Hops over the DB. Workout starts with 10 Lateral Hops. Alternate arms every 5 reps with the DB.
Workout of the Day A. 6 Sets: Rest 2 minutes between B. For Time: Run 800m 5 Rounds: Run 800m
Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets: B. 3 Sets: C. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of: