August 2017


Workout of the Day In teams of 3, with only 1 person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 40 minutes of: Run 1200m Double Under x 90 Wallball x 60 (20/14lbs to 10’/9′ target) Power Clean x 30 (135/95lbs) Muscle Up x 20 or Burpee Pull Up (CTB)


Warm Up Run 400m Dynamic Drills Then 2 Rounds of: TGU x 2 per Hang from Bar x 30 seconds Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets Rope Climb x 1-2 Alt Pistol x 8-10 “Tall” Box Jump x 1.1 B. For time: Run 800m Burpee Box Jump Over x 20 (24/20″) Run 800m